rokas zubovas
pianist Rokas Zubovas, a faculty member at the Piano
Department of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and
Theatre since 2000, for six years (1994-2000) taught
in the Music Department of Saint Xavier University
in Chicago, Illinois. A winner of the Frinna Awerbuch
International Piano Competition in New York and
the M. K. Ciurlionis International Piano Competition
in Vilnius, Lithuania, he has appeared in recitals
and at various festivals throughout the United States,
Canada, Argentina, Uruguay, Switzerland, Norway, France,
Italy, Greece, Lithuania, Russia, Bulgaria, and other
countries of Europe. He also frequently performs in
a piano duo with his wife, pianist Sonata Deveikyte-Zuboviene
and also as a chamber musician with various soloists
and ensembles.
Born in Lithuania, Zubovas started his piano studies
in Kaunas, under Rimante eknyte. He received
his undergraduate degree from the Lithuanian Academy
of Music under Prof. J. Karnavicius, and later earned
a Master of Music degree from DePaul University in
Chicago under Prof. D. Paperno. In addition, he has
studied extensively in Zurich, Switzerland, at the
International Heinrich Neuhaus Institute where his
teacher was pianist Esther Yellin. In the United States,
Rokas Zubovas also studied with pianists Edward Auer
and Andrius Kuprevicius.
Occupying a special place in his repertoire are the
works of his great-grandfather, the famous Lithuanian
composer and artist Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurlionis
(1875-1911). He has developed and presented in many
cities of the United States, Canada, Norway, France,
Italy, Russia, Argentina, and Uruguay lecture-recitals
combining music, literary works and paintings of M.
K. Ciurlionis: The World of M. K. Ciurlionis
and Ciurlionis: In Pursuit of Soundscapes.
He has also recorded piano works by Ciurlionis for
LAFA and Bomba Records.
This was a most enlightening lecture-recital and
possibly without precedent within recent memory. Mr.
Zubovas performed beautifully-shaped melodic lines
and bravura passages with astounding ease. (Piano
Teachers Congress News, New York, 1999)
Pianist Rokas Zubovas recreates majestic, mysterious
and at the same an time intimate world of Ciurlionis'
artistic images with great expression and mastery,
time and again inspiring listeners to fall in love
with our great artist. (Draugas, Chicago,
Rokas Zubovas is not only an accomplished performer
of the piano works of Ciurlionis, but also an insightful
explorer of musical associations in the artist's paintings.
I venture to say that with his piano performance,
analytic thought, and elucidative explanations, Rokas
Zubovas is a complete interpreter, the 'Magister'
to the full extent of what Herman Hesse has signified
in his novel "The Glass Bead Game".
(Los Angeles, 1998)
To open Sunday's concert, Rokas Zubovas played
four Curlionis preludes, which revealed the composer's
kinship to Chopin but also his own tender and stormy
character. Zubovas gave vivid performances of each
prelude, delineating the expressive worlds through
transparent unfolding of thematic ideas and inner
voices. (Cleveland, The Plain Dealer, November
14, 2000)

Dr. Darius Kucinskas, Rokas Zubovas & Vidmantas
Labasauskas (Director, Technologija, Kaunas, Lithuania)
examining Dr. Kucinskas's new book, the catalogue
of Ciurlionis music manuscripts.