1970 - 2020 50 jahre kuckuck schallplatten
Zukunftsmusik — 2 wenty 1 ne 1 Lost Bet DE-A74-23-00755 2 E1-E7 (Sped Up) DE-A74-23-00756 3 American Way of Li(f)e DE-A74-23-00757 4 Blown Up DE-A74-23-00758 5 General Hoovercraft DE-A74-23-00759 6 Rochester/Faversham DE-A74-23-00760 7 Crabs DE-A74-23-00761 8 E1-E7 (Original Mind-the-Gap Mix) DE-A74-23-00762 9 Zukunftsremix DE-A74-23-00763 Komponiert und arrangiert von The Mad Hitter Gespielt, gemischt und produziert in Mönchengladbach von 2wenty 1ne Gemastered von Frank Jacobsen, Bremen Alle Titel: E.R.P. Musikverlag Eckart Rahn (GEMA) The Mad Hitter / 2wenty 1ne Heavily inspired by early 90s rave music including acts like The KLF, The Prodigy, Altern 8 and The Shamen, as well as Art of Noise and Pet Shop Boys; later influences include Faithless, Jason Forrest and The Young Punx. Started writing songs in his early 20s and producing music in his late 20s, shortly after he got his first computer, mainly for the reason that the music he wanted to listen to wasn't aired on radio. Owns two keyboards and believes that everybody can be an artist. Recently started writing screenplays for movies. Five Facts about Zukunftsmusik Zukunftsmusik has been recorded in the past, is available right now, and can be listened to at any time in the future. Therefore, it can be called a true masterpiece which has overcome all boundaries of time. Zukunftsmusik is an infinite project. The most important part of Zukunftsmusik is you. Zukunftsmusik is Zukunftsmusik, and fish is fish. There's nothing you can do about that. Any similarities with existing individuals or situations are purely coincidental. Zukunft is not a registered trademark; it is in the public domain. Cover Image: Piet Mondrian (Victory Boogie Woogie) [1942-1944, unfinished] 2wenty 1ne Foto: 2wenty 1ne Digitalbearbeitung von Eckart Rahn 2023 Kuckuck Schallplatten
Kuckuck Schallplatten Potsdamer Platz 1 10785 Berlin Fernsprecher +49 30 3464 95050 Faksimile +49 30 8187 8866 rahn@kuckuckschallplatten.de www.kuckuckschallplatten.de
2wenty 1 ne